Happy Friday!
This month brings with it, rays of sunshine as I walk down the steps from the hospital after a draining 12 hour shift, then greet me on the way home from a morning training at the gym. The extra hours of sunlight seem to feed my energy as if I were a plant, adorned with photoreceptors.
Basketball season also addes energy to the atmosphere of our home, as the kiddos have their own season and in watching the NCAA basketball tournament, endearingly coined March Madness. We've filled out our brackets, our predictions written in ink (and on the app) and now hang in suspense as teams make their way through the tournament.
Yes, there's a lot of energy, and with the kids on break next week we'll be finding some things to do.
I gathered some articles for your encouragement this week, I hope you find something of interest that helps you dig deeper in your walk with the Lord.
Grace & Peace,
Content: This Week…
In Articles (my curated content just for you)

On the Blog
(working on getting more content to you!)
On my Shelf
I'm in the beginning of Facing Danger, where the author takes us through a theology of risk in the context of serving overseas in missions. I'm really enjoying this and resonating a lot with it from our time in Africa.
This commentary on Philippians has been helpful in our study with the ladies at church.
Going deeply through Psalm 23 has been a balm for my soul. This book has brought me to the feet of the Shepherd in the comfort and strength he provides. I'm looking forward to reviewing this one.
In ArticlesÂ
Being Human on World Down Syndrome Day | Joshua Heavin (Mere Orthodoxy)
The idea that resonated with me in this article was how the fast-paced nature of our society clashes with the slower pace of those living with Down Syndrome or disabilities. Doesn’t this provoke us to grow in our awareness and attentiveness to those around us?
"Our brothers and sisters with Down Syndrome, by the pace at which they both thrive and struggle through life, offer a counter-testimony against our hurried delusions."
So, let's remember the parents and families in our communities where they're providing care for those with disabilities. As a church let's support and encourage them. (Check out this great resource for caregivers here)
Compassion | The Bible Project
I appreciate the resources put out by the Bible Project, as they help encourage and deepen my study of Scripture. In this short video, you'll learn about the Hebrew word for compassion and how God's compassion motivates action.
Start With One Small Step | Susan Narjala
I was really encouraged by this article, "it all started with one lady who started small. She gave her little to the Lord. And He took. what she offered and multiplied it to bless others."
What Research Supports the Idea that "Porn Kills Love" | Fight the New Drug
For men and women alike, addiction to pornography has tentacle-like reach. Though often secretive, there's no denying its impact when relationships, mental health and spiritual growth suffer as a result. Perhaps our tendency as the church is to shy away from the topic—it's personal and private after all, right? But the wellbeing of the church will also be hit with the consequences, so it's important for us to keep aware and supportive for those around us who may be struggling, and thus help our brothers and sisters in Christ to abide. (This article from Canada Nurse emphasizes the same).
Good News! You Can't Engineer an Experience with God | Trevin Wax (The Gospel Coalition)
I'm grateful for this reminder that our perseverance in prayer builds trust. We pray because of who He is and so reinforce what we believe in our actions.
Valuing Missions as a Family | Ann Swindell (Risen Motherhood)
Ann writes with such heart and gives us some practical ways to shape a missional culture in our families.
In Snapshots

(came back from vacation and this poster of appreciation brightened up the office...and my heart)
Previously on Mosaic
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