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Who Cares for You? A Bible Study for Caregivers | Book Review

Writer's picture: Amber ThiessenAmber Thiessen

who cares for you bible study for caregivers book on desk with green plant

You don’t often see them in church, or at the weekly bible study. They miss out on the regular church events and slowly they drift out of our minds.

Caregivers are often forgotten.

They’re called by home care to let them know of changes in their family member. On a visit they realize it’s time to go to the hospital. In the ER they wait long hours to be seen, sometimes to be returned home, other times for an admission. They are driving to frequent appointments to see surgeons, specialists and for treatments.

We care for our aging parents, spouses, and medically fragile children. In all the back and forth we pour out our time and energy to care for them, but feeling alone and weary we wonder, who is caring for us?

In Who Cares For You? A 4 Week Bible Study for Caregivers, Marissa Bondurant leads you to your Saviour who is always caring for you.

My friend, Marissa, writes this study out of her own journey with medically fragile children. Her experience as a caregiver led her to deeply seek the Lord and gave her a heart to serve those forgotten in the ministry of caregiving.

book cover who cares for you bible study for care. ivers by marissa bondurant

Who Cares for You? A 4 Week Bible Study for Caregivers | Book Review


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Purpose of the Book

Caregiving requires us to lay down ourselves to care for the needs of others. In all the pouring out, weary caregivers may wonder who is pouring in. Marissa shows us how Christ continually cares for us.

Table of Contents


Week 1 Jesus and the Blind Man’s Parents

Week 2 Jesus and Martha

Week 3 Jesus and Mary

Week 4 Jesus and Jairus

APPENDIX A Scriptures on Suffering

APPENDIX B A Facilitators Guide

APPENDIX 3 Gospel Hope for Caregivers


Caregivers have their hands full. This is a short study to meet that need. You’ll find plenty of space for notetaking as she leads you through these 4 scenes in scripture. The gospel hope appendix at the end is also a source of encouragement.

quote from who care for you? a 4 week bible study for caregivers by marissa bondurant

My Take

Our Caregiving Days

Our daughter became critically ill and we entered a lengthy season of caregiving. (Read more about our journey here).

It was unexpected. It was time consuming. Life stopped. Then, life started again with new limits, endless appointments, blood tests, and medications. Fear came in waves with the anticipation of test results. You worry that you’re focused too much on one child without providing the others with the care and attention they also need. It’s confusing and overwhelming.

Then somewhere in the chaos of it all, you’re trying to reconcile the pain you feel with the God you love and serve. Hard questions sail through the stormy thoughts of your mind. You feel spent, alone and misunderstood.

Marissa reminds us that in our caregiving, God is tenderly caring for us.

We saw this through the love and support of our church community: the persistent prayers, generous provisions, and kind visits. The Lord filled us when we felt more like a cracked teapot destined for the landfill. He gave us plentiful opportunities to share the gospel of grace to those we encountered along the way.

Though we struggled, he never left us. We were pressed, but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair. The treasure of knowing his power, that he held us when everything around us imploded, gave us hope for each day.

quote from who cares for you bible study for caregivers by marissa bondurant

My Recommendation

For those in the throes of caring for aging parents, a spouse, or a medically fragile child, here’s a study written to encourage you in Christ.

If you’re interested in more about caregiving, Marissa’s written a few articles around the internet. I'll list a few here:

And, don't forget to visit her website!

quote from who cares for you a bible study for caregivers by marissa bondurant

Quick Stats

# of Pages: 114

Level of Difficulty: Easy

My Rating: 5 stars

quote from who cares for you bible study for caregivers by marissa bondrant

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Scriptures About Caring

For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. (Heb 6:10)
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Phil 2:4)
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Gal 6:9-10)
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. (1 Thess 5:11)
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? (1 Jn 3:17)

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*No disclaimer here. I purchased a copy...and 10 more for our hospital gift shop :)


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