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Mosaic (Mar 15)

Happy Friday!

Winter on the Canadian prairies is a fairly predictable recipe: very cold with snow. However, the Lord saw fit to provide a mercurial winter this year: Melting, then freezing, snowing and melting again. A lot like the old gas powered push mower from my childhood that spit and sputtered when it started.

I wonder if we feel this way sometimes in our walk with the Lord, seasons when we're disciplined with our time in the Word, in meditation, and in prayer, but then lose time, energy or momentum to keep up good habits—it's happened to me a time or two before.

Reading Philippians 3 this week reminded me of Paul's passion and singular focus to grow in knowing Christ: "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord" (3:8). I thought about Christ as my treasure above everything else in the world, and how this inspires me to persevere through times of weariness or distraction.

The parable of the hidden treasure and the pearl provides a picture of the choices we make when we've discovered something of matchless worth—we'll give up everything to have it. So if our motivation or discipline wanes, let's remind ourselves of the treasure we have in Christ, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt. 6:21).

Grace & Peace,


Content: This Week…

In Articles 

The Hope of Lent | Kelly Minter

"Lent is somber. It’s a season for reflecting on the cross. A season to get better acquainted with the limitations of our humanity. To remember how much we need Jesus in the big things out of our control and in the smaller moments when our patience is simply fraying. It’s a time for pruning, for stripping away. The good news is that these are not ends in themselves. Lent is so that more fruit will eventually come to bear."

How is your Bible reading going? We're into our third month, have you felt a slump? Here are practical ideas to spur on your time in the Word. I've really benefited from Tip 3 and well as 5!

"Eventually, Patrick escaped Ireland and made it home. Which sounds like the happy ending to the story, but it’s not the ending at all because Patrick went on to do something completely unexpected by anyone: he chose to return to Ireland."

I know I can be prone to thinking, "If only I had...." or "If only I was more..." to be effective for God's kingdom. Which one resonates with you?

Captive Thoughts Tame the Tongue | Lara D'Entremont (Well-Watered Women)

"My problem isn’t my words as much as the thoughts that motivate them."

Do You Feel Like You're Not Enough? Here's Why You Don't Need to Be | Becky Beresford (guest post at Ann Voskamp)

Becky shares with vulnerability to remind us we can't depend on ourselves, but on God."The gospel is good not because of what we have or haven’t done—rather, the gospel is good because the Maker of heaven and earth has done everything for us."

Previously on Mosaic

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3 Years Ago

2 Years Ago

1 Year Ago

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