Happy Friday, friends!
Is winter over? It's so close to being over! I mean, the first official day of spring is in a couple days, right? In my opinion, every winter in Canada is the longest one ever... but this one wins it all. (Books, board games and milkshakes can only go on so far).
Yet, I think we can pray along with the psalmist, "bless our God, O peoples; let the sound of his praise be heard, who has kept our soul among the living and has not let our feet slip. For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried...we went through fire and through water yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance" (Psalm 66:8-12). Isn't it a time to praise the Lord for bringing us through a long winter, for the work he has been doing in us, as he's been pruning the doubts, fears and frustrations of our heart.
So we can go on to testify, "come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul" (Psalm 66:16). For he has been at work in us during this season, and as we continue to walk in obedience, experiencing his grace and mercy through the struggles of this year. Let us proclaim his goodness and sing his praises!
What has the Lord done for your soul this season?
This Week On The Blog
This Week Around the Web
"COVID-19 has changed the foundation of American missions by imploding short-term missions...We must take stock of what we’re losing and what we can gain."
"There is no end of reasons to grow weary, despondent, and discouraged. Thankfully, there is no end of opportunities to bring assistance in the weariness, the despondency, the discouragement of others."
"Jesus was interruptible, because he loved people. I want to be available for God to use me in those places and times I least expect."
Written for church planters, this article has great encouragement for us as believers, as our church doors begin re-opening.
Check out this interview with author Rebecca McLaughlin, she writes "10 Questions Ever Teen Should Ask (And Answer) About Christianity." It's 50 minutes on parenting our children in an increasingly secular world and the tension we live in as parents between protecting and preparing them.
