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Mosaic (Jul 26)

Writer's picture: Amber ThiessenAmber Thiessen

Happy Friday!

We're back from the lake this week as shifts at work came calling. :) Catching up after time away is like sorting Lego pieces, sifting through the handful of colors and innumerable amount of shapes. I started with laundry and dishes, spent time reviewing 85 unread email, getting the kiddos to clean out their school backpacks, quickly logging into a zoom meeting I'd forgotten about, then finally packing and sending one off to camp.

In the chaos of sorting I'm reminded of the demands in Jesus' life: The needs around him, the opportunities to teach, the skeptics and the critics, then in the throes of grief, after hearing of John's death in Matthew 14, he "withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot" (Matt. 14:13).

Just trying to get alone to be with the Father, now interrupted, yet even in that isolated place, "he had compassion on them and healed their sick" (14:14) and when they became hungry took a meager lunch to satisfy them all.

Jesus shows us that keeping first things first means fixing our gaze on the Father, then to the needs of others, despite our inner groaning and natural proclivity to place ourselves higher in the ranking. When life is busy, it can be harder to keep our priorities straight, but by his grace he invites us to keep learning as he faithfully dwells with us as we persevere.

They say holidays are restful, and getting out of our normal routine is good for us, so we remember to fix our eyes on the Father in the rest and in the routine, the busy and and the calm, so we can live faithfully in every season to give him glory.

How do you persevere in Christ when things are busy?

Grace & Peace,


Content: This Week…

In Articles (curated content just for you)

On the Blog

On my Shelf

  • Really enjoyed this novel by Elizabeth Camden on kindle unlimited this week. Childhood friends brought together by a love for music are separated by her father. When she returns to America their friendship picks up where it left off. But they don't share a faith and he's living on vengeance. A really interesting story about friendship, faith and forgiveness.

  • I finished Saved, on the book of Acts which would make a great companion to your reading of the book. And started Rest Assured, a look at the creation story and how it speaks to our restless hearts.

In Articles 

An engaging visit to Jeremiah 18 and lessons about both the potter and the clay. "With proper moisture and firm pressure, the clay can take any shape the potter desires. But if it doesn’t cooperate, it can be smooshed and flattened so the potter can start over—as long as it is still moist and compliant."

Keeping extended family together isn't easy. It takes a lot of effort and intentionality. For some reason it seems easier when we were young, I remember hanging out a lot with my cousins. But now that we've grown up, grandparents have passed on or require more medical care and it's not so easy anymore.

He connects this to our sense of belonging in the church which, in the same way depends on our effort to be in community. Over the summer months it's harder especially when we're away and I do shiftwork, but it's good for me to reflect on, especially when I notice those moments of disconnect.

Here's an interesting look at 10 different ways to pray. I think the only way I haven't prayed is 8, and it'll be worth trying.

As she summarizes the movie, Heidi draws us into the themes of belonging and shame, success and striving in light of the truth of Christ. She writes,"the more I observed Jesus, the more I realised that his life and love for people is not just for show. Jesus is not a showman who profits from his relationships. He doesn’t abandon people when they no longer serve his agenda. He loves people more than he needs love from them."

What does it mean to be jealous for God? We may consider the holy jealousy of God, but maybe less of our own holy desire for the nations that drives mission. Here's a short reflection to help us consider the depth of our zeal for God's glory.

Previously on Mosaic

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