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Mosaic (June 28)

Writer's picture: Amber ThiessenAmber Thiessen

To whom do I belong?

"Likewise my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead in order that we may bear fruit for God" (Rom 7:4).

From death to life, darkness to light, bondage to freedom, the gospel moves us. We're adopted so that we find belonging in Christ and his people. And I love that we find this satisfaction and contentment in the person and work of Christ, but also the direction in which we move.

In our busy lives we may struggle to find the peace found in his presence, as we're often swept up in the tempest of task-oriented doing. The simplicity of being with the Lord can be hard won if we're not diligent and intentional to settle in stillness, calm the chaos of our mind by pausing to meditate and pray.

As the Lord Jesus went to desolate places to pray, he returned to his disciples with direction in which to move. In the same way, our being with him leads us into purpose for our day and fruitful endeavors for his kingdom.

Moving into a vacation mindset this weekend, I'm reminded to be intentional in bearing fruit, with family and our lake community, to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity (Eph. 5:15-17).

How will you practice both being with the Lord and bearing fruit this week?

Grace & Peace,


Content: This Week…

In Articles (curated content just for you)

Five Things

1 The gradual decline of routine. Sunshine hours stretch making it harder to get to bed "on time" as we enjoy the outdoors and time with friends and family. I'll say this morning was the last get-up-for-school day and they lazed down the stairs for breakfast. Nine months on the go concludes with the gusto of a sloth. We'll transition to the view of the lake today to renew some energy with beach and boating fun.

2 Restocking firestarters with old schoolwork. Apparently the kiddos have to bring all their paperwork home, no recycling them at school. The bags piled full with stapled collections land in the crate with the hatchet near the fire pit. Then, throughout the summer they reminisce as we crumple up the worksheets into the teepee and set the flame.

3 A new job. The Lord provided an invitation and opportunity to begin working as a counsellor at a local Christian non-profit agency. Figuring out this and that is challenging, but I'm grateful for a very supportive team and the ministry mindset that's shared.

4 Belt Promotion Ceremony. The kids and I train BJJ and it was time for our annual belt ceremony. The kids received their new belts. Then coach asked my kiddos to come up again and asked, "so kids, how does it feel to be higher ranked than your mom?" They thought it was great. Then he dropped what was a bomb to me: "But, that ends today, c'mon up here Amber!" Flooded with surprise, I stepped through the crowd as I got my blue belt. Totally unexpected, super exciting and scary all at the same time. It's a joy to train with this crew and I'm real blessed with great coaches.

5 With the new work in counselling, I've been reading a few books on marriage. I'm grateful for my own marriage, for the iron sharpening iron that shapes each of us and for our teamwork. We need each other's uniqueness and perspective to grow and shine the light of Christ to those around us. We've been married 19 years and I'm often reminded how much more like Jesus I have yet to be. Praise the Lord for his grace and mercy, and for the day when we shall be made new.

On my Shelf

I was finally able to finish A Long Obedience. The chapters are shorter and he lays out a lot of food for thought about our maturing as Christians.

Next up are titles on Honour in the local church and continuing Inalienable for my leadership cohort. I'm also dipping into Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer to consider more being than doing.

In Articles 

Facing God's Silence | Ryan Currie (Gospel Centered Discipleship)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer faced God's silence in a Nazi prison cell, wrestling with the absence of God despite his prayers. He found comfort in seeing suffering through the lens of the cross, believing that God is present even in moments of feeling forsaken. The call to walk by faith through suffering applies to both extraordinary and everyday challenges, reminding us that God is with us, even in the midst of silence.

"People are a good use of time." Yes, they sure are!!

When The State of Your Body Impacts Your Soul | Candice Echols (Hoseanna Revival)

"Take this opportunity to bring your neediness before Jesus and be reminded of his love, his affirmation, his delight in you. Don’t beat yourself up but bring your mess to the one who was beaten up for you. Quiet your heart until you are reminded of, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ Resist running to plant your feet in the mud of shame, but rather, run into the loving embrace of Jesus."

I always enjoy a good booklist :) Here's a handful of great titles to add to your TBR. (This may inspire my own halfway list this week....)

We don't homeschool right now, but I follow the blogs for reading ideas and recommendations. I also enjoy this list because it's something I print and have available for the kids for the inevitable moments they think they're bored. The sock puppets stood out to me because we have a "lonely sock" bin that could provide the supplies.

Previously on Mosaic

5 Years Ago

4 Years Ago

3 Years Ago

2 Years Ago

1 Year Ago

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