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Mosaic (Feb 2)

Writer's picture: Amber ThiessenAmber Thiessen

It's the weekend, hope you enjoy some downtime and restful worship this weekend.

Grace & Peace,


Content: This Week…

In Articles (my curated content just for you)

Five Things

Today I'm grateful. Here's a few reasons why:

1 I rolled with a black belt....and survived

In our area, there's one gym to train BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) and so when a female black belt visitor comes around, it's a little exciting (and scary). When I say we "rolled" that's BJJ speak for going a round against her. It was a little terrifying, waiting to see what she was going to do to me, but she was gracious and gentle (as much as you can be in a combat sport). We had a lot of fun and learned some things.

2 Attentive learners.

Anytime you're teaching, the greatest blessing is an audience that's engaged. I teach an emotional regulation skills group, and it's been an encouragement to have good discussion and active participation.

3 Growing together.

While we can pick up our bibles alone and get into the Word, our bible study group reminds me of all the benefits of studying together. Sharing our lives and our hearts is such an encouragement.

4 Suffering together.

A tragedy in our community is on our hearts and minds this week. The loss of a 5 year old has hit us all really hard. In a place with less than a degree of separation, it seems we're all connected in our collective grief. We're not alone. We're praying for the family, for his grace and peace to hold them.

5 A lunch date.

My hubby sent a text to see if I had time between meetings for lunch. Life with kiddos seems to have us spending more time on the logistics of life than relationship, so when we catch moments just us, it's really sweet, particularly at our favourite Mexican place.

What's something you're grateful for this week?

On the Blog

What would you say if someone asked you what you believe?

The Word of God is the truth we hold to, but succinct summaries of faith are helpful to guide us, and this is what the historic creeds and confessions provide us. Here's why they are important and essential for the wellbeing of the church today.

On my Shelf

  • This week I finished But He Said He Is A Christian, a very hard memoir to read, but so important and insightful. I'll be writing a review on this one, so stay tuned.

In Articles 

When You Can't Conquor Sin by January 31st | Lara 'Entremont (Gospel Centered Discipleship)

"January: the time of year when we all decide to be entirely sanctified in one month." What was your five step plan on Jan 1? Glean some encouragement here from Lara.

Canada Leads the World in Deaths by Assisted Suicide | Jonathan Griffiths (The Gospel Coalition)

This year Canada will add mental health concerns as a reason to apply for assisted suicide. My heart breaks. The work I do is because I believe there is hope. Seems our government deems otherwise. Church, we must pray and be those beacons of hope to those around us who are struggling. They will never know hope in Christ if we don't tell them.

Abundant Life in Room 129 | Melissa Edgington

A beautiful story of Christ's presence in the hospital room on Christmas.

Time in the Word and in prayer is never wasted, but maybe it feels that way sometimes, when we have to weigh our priorities and check the boxes on our to-do list. Here's a reminder of the beauty and value of tithing our time.

A devotional from my friend Cara on David's lament and hope.

In Snapshots

(Why are the winter jackets all here? Because we've got spring February. It's weird)

(with warmer temperatures comes the fog and frost)

(because twice a week is gi laundry time)

(Sending me love and smiles while I'm at work. Also thrilled he got a haircut this week!!)

(They're learning to hone in on business opportunities. There were negotiations on acquiring equipment and commission percentage. Just another day on the bay around here)

Previously on Mosaic

4 Years Ago

No Mosaic this week

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2 Years Ago

1 Year Ago



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