Welcome to another weekend!
Our kids are enjoying the baseball season, even though the weather has been less than cooperative with much wind and rain. Brent has also been getting creative with outdoor activities for the youth with outdoor games and campfire cookouts. Tis the season to cultivate innovative solutions and become resourceful in these virus-laden days.
It's also a season to cultivate humility (more on that in a few days), where we turn our hearts to a right view of ourselves. C.S.Lewis wrote that "humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less" and it reminds me that while we are embedded with life, value and purpose, we also struggle with a propensity toward placing ourselves first before others.
The sin that so easily entangles us cannot become untangled without the gospel. The good news that he has rescued us from that darkness and placed us into his light. When the struggle with sin holds us like a bungee cord we are admonished in scripture to confess and repent, for "confession endears the soul to Christ. If I say I am a sinner, how precious will Christ's blood be to me!" (Thomas Watson)
As we move forward the days ahead, may we present ourselves with a posture of humility, confessing our sin, turning away from it, and seeking to meet the needs of others before ourselves. It's been a word for me lately.
This Week On The Blog
This Week Around the Web
My friend Mariel writes, "In our humanness we are quick to run to false remedies to quiet the ache, relieve the pain and numb the grief of our flesh. We need a true remedy."
This article from Abigail Dodds encouraging us that,“there is no book as relevant or powerful in shaping you into a more godly wife or mother than the Bible.”
"disagreement isn’t inherently sinful. But sin can easily be involved in our communication and responses. "
Adapted from Paul Tripp's new book "Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs To Make" three helpful wisdom perspectives on our marriages.
"As mothers, we are not our children’s savior...it is never our role to be the heroine, but rather to point them to the hero—their limitless Heavenly Father who is able to provide abundantly more than all that we ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20–21)."
God's instruction for us to honour our parents is not time limited. Here's some practical tips from Chelsea Stanley. Her new book "5 Things to Pray for Our Parents" releases soon, find my review here.
Serving our global workers is a passion of mine, this article is a great encouragement for the church to deepen. Shirley writes, "global workers are real people just like the rest of us with real struggles—which are only intensified by living in a different culture, navigating a foreign language, and most of all, experiencing intense spiritual opposition." Find our more on how to support them here.
