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My Mosaic (Mar 31)

Happy Friday,

We remember the arrival of the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem this weekend. Humbly on a donkey, surrounded by the shouts of "Hosanna!" toward the city where suffering and death lay before him. As much as he tried to prepare the disciples beforehand, the enormity of his mission culminating in this week.

They thought he'd take over, abolish the government, re-establish their nation, and in His way, He would, but not as they expected.

We all have our own expectations of what we want God to do, how we think He should work. Yet He reminds us, "my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Is 55:8-9).

This doesn't mean we can't know the will of God, or that He will always elude us, rather that He is all-knowing, superior in every way, holding all power and sustaining all things. He is marvellous and in the extravagant blanket of grace and mercy, He planned a way to save us.

We praise Almighty God for salvation, that when we were dead He has made us alive; that He didn't become distracted with the expectations of the world but surrendered and obeyed the will of the Father, for us.

As you reflect on this season, may you "know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God (Eph 3:19).


This Week in Articles

I remember the moment before the Word in deep frustration thinking, "I've been a Christian 25 years, HOW can I still be struggling with this?!" Here's an answer and biblical encouragement on our journey toward sanctification.

Tim shares about the difference between our deepest sorrow and our highest joy. Read on.

"the foundational questions underneath every point being raised by Exvangelical, deconstructionist, or atheist influencers are ones the Church has been asked and answered for nearly 2,000 years. It’s the medium that’s new, not the questions. The Church has a treasure trove of answers in its attic. We just need to open it up and familiarize ourselves with them." To do that, we will find the answer in relationship.Though this article is geared toward pastors, it's a task for us all.

"The waves threatened to overflow his disciples’ weak and weary hearts. But Jesus did not leave his disciples there. Into this troubling situation, Jesus spoke words of comfort." Find comfort for the troubles of your heart.

Yes, he can and he does.

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