Another week in remote learning is done and we've got heat warnings as temperatures soar. The kids enjoyed the sprinkler under the trampoline yesterday for an afternoon of fun.
Discovering these moments of joy, in the midst of what we are able to do, we bless the name of the Lord, "from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!" (Ps 113:2-3)
We may not feel like it because some of our normal fun is blocked.
We may not want to because we're frustrated with life and restrictions.
But He,
"is high above all nations" (v4),
"his glory above the heavens" (v4),
"is seated on high" (v5),
and there is none like him! (v5)
May His name be lifted up in our lives today.
*My monthly newsletter drops into your inbox tomorrow morning with
"3 Scriptures Leading Us to Rest."
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This Week on the Blog
This Week in Articles
"All of us talk nonstop in our heads, but few of usthink well. Our nonstop thoughts are typically negative or downright nasty." Find some helpful tips here!
A beautiful, encouraging word pointing us to God's faithfulness. This article is part of the Well-Watered Women Hymn series.
Kathryn Butler shares about the grief and burnout of healthcare workers. As an ICU physician she explains the pain and suffering, while providing the church with practical ways to support. Watch this short video, or read the transcript!
A beautiful poem from my friend Sarah Brandt. "Oh Lord, I am fleeting, but You are eternal. I am minuscule, but You are immense. I am weak, but You are all-powerful." Read the rest of this wonderful piece!!
"Personal testimonies are one of the most influential tools the Holy Spirit uses to stir spiritual interest and point people toward Christ." Find some quick tips to sharing yours in this article, and practice sharing, the world in this challenging season needs your story of hope!
From a writer friend, Jun Shu, on when you're in the "waiting room."
An article at RisenMotherhood reminding us, "so often, the events around us feel unfair and wrong. We can easily become bogged down by our circumstances, blaming everyone and everything in our path. Yet, Scripture shows us that oftentimes, even the seemingly unfair circumstances are appointed by God to bring about his purposes."