Today I'm writing over on my friend Cara-Ray's blog, where she helps busy women find balance, joy, and holy leisure in life.
It was a surreal moment when my foot finally landed on the dusty African soil. All my nine-year-old childhood dreams had finally been realized. My husband, and I were about to start an exciting adventure sharing the gospel with unreached people in Tanzania.
At first, the thrill of the new adventure supplied the energy we needed to adjust. There was no shortage of changes to adapt to: the constant glaze of sweat from the tropical heat, throbbing headaches, unfamiliar sounds of a new language, and discovering unwelcomed creatures in our new mud home. These were all part of the “welcoming committee” to our new lives in Africa. As difficult as these stressors were, thankfully, they were also contrasted with compassionate new neighbors, the beauty of living among palm trees, and delicious tastes of fresh tropical fruit..... {READ THE REST HERE}
