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My Mosaic (Aug 12)

Happy weekend!

As you sigh with relief that the weekend is upon us, perhaps gearing up for some last summer events and activities (with the realization summer is nearing it's end), let's remember with our life and breath to praise the Lord, even in the overwhelm of a summer almost gone.

The psalmist writes, "let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" (Ps 150:6). Notice the exclamation marks. There's urgency. There's passion. Maybe we feel dry or wrung out but let the words of the psalm lead us back into worship and gratitude, to recount the truths of our God.

What are you praising the Lord for this week?


This Week On The Blog


This Week in Articles

"Forgiveness from God produces fruits of sanctification—especially love for God and others—when it is intentionally remembered."

As we enjoy creation in our summer activities, here's some thoughts for reflection.

"From contemplating these verses, we can learn that people who are wise in their eyes are fools, they are deceived about their true state, they are self-focused, and they get into trouble — not a pretty picture."

A word on how the small things in marriage communicate a lot and perhaps how to let go of our pride to invest more in love.

"We want to be people who are theologically minded and deeply rooted in the Bible. We want to be able to go to the Scriptures on any topic and apply God’s wisdom to our circumstances. And we want to counsel our friends, disciple our children, and inform our decisions with the truth of God’s Word.To do so, we must avoid these 7 common mistakes when studying the Bible."

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