This sign is a warning!

It's what I feel like now that August is here. September is coming, and it's going to be a downhill journey into the craziness with me trying to keep my balance and applying the brakes.
Trying not to get overwhelmed that the end of summer draws near, the weather gets cool, the kids' activities are getting scheduled into the calendar and due dates for papers are being plugged in.
Yup, it's how fall rolls in. The warning signs are posted in front of me.
But I remember how it feels, to coast down the hill, wind blowing on my face, eating bugs; the exhilaration of the speed, the adrenaline of the ride. And I am excited. I see all the potential of what God can do in me and through me.
I resolve to be intentional in what lies ahead. All that is known, and all that remains unknown. He holds my future in His hand.
In January, I looked at the year before me, and God led me to 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12:
"That my God would make me worthy of His calling and would fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus would be glorified in me, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ."
It is 8 months into the year, and it remains my prayer for the months ahead.
There are seasons to our life, the ebb and flow of busyness and rest. As I look ahead, I prepare and plan, I remember that it is by His power, His grace and for His glory.
What traffic sign best reflects your life right now?