The pile rises like a Jenga tower on a teetering trolley, books mixed up from the public library, the church library and my own.
Then, I took out another book from the church library.
But probably shouldn't have.
Particularly because as the pile grows, the chances of the pages in my hands diminishes. It's also a good problem to have, as I get to practice discernment about what content is most beneficial for the moment.
I'm looking forward to sharing the month's book reel with you, to help give you opportunities to do the same.
What's the last book you picked up intentionally for your sanctification?
Don't Forget!
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What's On My Shelf (Oct 2023) | Book Recommendations
Bible Study
I really benefited from this short book. I'm up to the prophets in my bible reading plan as the year finishes, and I felt a bit stuck and stagnant in my reading. This resource had been on my kindle shelf for awhile, so I thought to pick it up and give me a little boost toward better understanding these books. I hope you'll enjoy it too! Read my full review HERE. (5 stars)
We've enjoyed these kids' bibles by Kaleidoscope. It's neat that we finished this one just as our church began a series on 1 Peter, so it's been neat to find the kids interacting with what they're hearing at church since it's fresh in their minds.
Novellas aren't my favourite, they're just too short to really dig into the characters. I did grab this one and found it pretty good. This collection is set in the regency era and the stories all surround a masquerade ball. Note: this is clean, general market fiction. (4 stars)
This is book four in the Age of Honor series. This series is set in the medieval era, complete with knights, jousting, and castles. Dangerous Wulfrith governs her brother's castle and lands until he completes his knighthood training, but a spy coming out of France is tracked and puts the castle at risk. It's a dynamic story with lots of moving parts, conflict and resolutions, which is one thing I enjoy about her writing.
It's probably best to read the series in order, you get to know her family and the times a little better, but you could without. Note: general market fiction. (4 stars)
Georgia, 1813. Esther Andrews is freed from an abusive marriage at the end of a flown arrow. A scout happens by and takes her to his home to stay with his sister-in-law. Esther's physical deformity caused her to believe she's not worthy of love, but the family introduces her to the scriptures and helps her learn who she is in the eyes of God. Highly recommend this one! (5 stars)
After the civil war, Marjorie lost so much and strives to care not only for her younger siblings, but also orphans of a family friend. Gregory is a newcomer to town. He's a lawyer and wants to help her, but makes some missteps along the way. Through the relational blunders, they practice depending on God for wisdom and for reconciliation.
I was pleasantly surprised at how much happens in this story. The pace doesn't feel fast, and I certainly didn't anticipate ending up where we did for the last scenes. I enjoyed the multiple points of view, from Marjorie, Gregory and her brother Percy which add nuance to the situations. You fall in love with this small town banding together. (5 stars)
Christian Living
This is my second visit through this book, as my leadership cohort is tackling it again for discussion. So, while he gives us practical advice and a lot to think on, this quote summed it up for me:
"It's not wrong to be tired. It's not wrong to feel overwhelmed. It's not wrong to go through seasons of complete chaos. What is wrong and heartbreakingly foolish and wonderfully avoidable—is to live a life with more craziness than we want because we have less Jesus than we need."
Highly recommend! (5 stars)
"When Jesus challenges us not just to say, “Lord, Lord” but to mean it and to live it, it is this Jesus, full of compassion and power, who is issuing that challenge. When Jesus calls us to be different—to embrace upside-down values, to pursue a different kind of love, to be marked by integrity, and to live a life of obedience—it is this Jesus who is calling us."
We will spend our life learning and striving for this life. One where good works flow from a good heart.
In The Christian Manifesto, Pastor Begg takes us through the Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6 to teach us how to live with a heart and hands for Christ. Read my full review HERE! (5 stars)
Acts of mercy and a heart for mission drive this book. You'll walk away with practical ways to help those around you, but also a conviction to be the hands and feet of Christ. I've written a longer review here for you to check out. (5 stars)
Thanks for checking out this month's book roundup! I hope you found something of interest!
Let me know what's been on your shelf in the comments, I'm always on the hunt for a good recommendation :)
*denotes advanced reader copies provided by Netgalley or the publisher for the opportunity to post an honest review.
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