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My Mosaic (Oct 8)

Happy Friday!!

Here on the Canadian prairies, we've been enjoying amazing, unusually warm, temperatures; it's been a beautiful way to enjoy the fall. Yesterday you could even smell the warm, dried leaves-if that's a thing.

In the midst of this beauty, our farming community is wrapping up harvest with overall disappointment after a really tough, dry summer. We're shifting into more restrictions as we've entered the fourth wave of the pandemic. Feelings of tension and frustration rise around us this autumn. But just as the Lord, in his providence, preserved his people during the time of Esther - as he has every day before and after - so he continues to provide for and be present with us now. These seasons remind us of our great and everlasting hope of his return, when there will be no more drought, no tears, and no more sickness.

Isn't that wonderful to remember?


This Week On the Blog


A Ministry Launch

I am excited and privileged to be on the team for this new ministry, Momma Theologians, to help revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. You're going to find articles, a podcast, monthly devotionals, and printed resources to draw your heart to God, helping you know and love him more.

If you'd consider praying for us, that would be awesome! The big launch happens November 1, but even now, we're introducing the ministry and the team on Instagram @mommatheologians. If this resonates with you, head on over to check it out! :)


This Week in Articles

"John’s words lay out a perfect roadmap for those of us who want to take any part in Kingdom work: Be committed to do what God asks you to do and joyfully give Him the glory for it."

Here we find two questions that lament asks, and how we can respond before God.

It's one thing to know it happens and sympathize, but another to understand how it hurts. Tim Challies shares five specific ways abuse is harmful.

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, here's one woman's story about being met in her hurt and standing in Christ.

In this season, I truly believe this is a word for our community! May our words be those to build others up, not to tear down. "To encourage is to give courage — not simply to console or compliment someone (and certainly not to flatter, but to strengthen a heart for risk or adversity. Every Christian needs a steady stream of courage to endure suffering, to reject temptation, to sacrifice in love, to embrace discipline, to persevere in ministry, to trust and obey God."

“The gospel is not you putting together a righteousness and giving it to God—the gospel is God putting together a righteousness and giving it to you.” So, what are you wearing today?



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