Happy Friday, friend!
The code orange changes in our province this week have meant increasing mask wearing, and limitations in group gatherings. Today there's another outbreak on another hospital ward in the city, which is not encouraging for those of us who work in healthcare.
It's November. Flu season will be arriving shortly. There are many hopes that it will be less prevalent this year with the increased public health precautions, but it's a wait-and-see situation.
Your week may have held disappointment, you may be struggling with anxiety and fears, or plain anger with all the changes. Our feelings are normal, they aren't truth and they aren't judgements about us or about the world, our feelings just are.
The gospel reminds us that this is a fallen world. In the midst of our emotions, we can act with sinful behaviours. Yes, we are constantly battling self. Scripture counsels us, though, that "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood" (Eph 6:12)...interesting isn't it? We aren't battling against others -their decisions or their leadership, we are battling against sin.
The gospel also teaches us that there is only one way to redemption, and that is through Christ. Our salvation isn't going to come when code orange is lifted, salvation isn't going to come if our province magically gets 1,000 ventilators, salvation will not come when a vaccine is developed. No, salvation friend comes only in Jesus for "salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).
And, the gospel points us to hope. We have been plunked into a tiresome situation, with a dreary looking winter ahead of us. Yet our hope remains steadfast; we are not abandoned, we are held, and there is a good plan for His church through the weariest of circumstances. His promise to restore all things one day should bring us great anticipation for the day of His return.
So, as you hit the ground today, may we rejoice as King David, "My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody!" (Psalm 57:7).
On The Blog This Week
Here are a few articles from around this week, hope they encourage you!
Four years ago, my family was in great need of prayer, and I was humbled by the response of the global church. I would invite you to please pray for the Challies' family as they grieve the sudden loss of their son.
Here's a highlight of Crossway's advent devotionals, so you can order soon enough to get it!! :)
"Own your sin and recommit to walking God’s path, believing that his fatherly face will again shine on you. Just don’t forget sin’s cost."
Natural fear, fear that rules us, and reverence. Here's Christiana Fox's article about these kinds of fear.
"Breaking through the weight of a complaining attitude requires daily exercise. We must intentionally considering what we have and offer thanks."
"Soul care starts with surrender. This means literally laying my worries at the foot of the cross."
