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What Are You Afraid To Start?

Writer's picture: Amber ThiessenAmber Thiessen

I remember what it’s like at the starting line. Standing on the track, facing the finish line. Heart racing, palms sweating, the anticipation of what a single minute of my life will reveal.

Slowing my breathing, reminding myself that I have trained for this, I am ready.

The official calls out, “Ready... set....go!”

The crack of the pistol echoes.

The moment of silence, turns into a burst of action. Feet are pounding around me, I hear the gasping breaths, feel the pure determination in the air.

Push harder.... Almost there... Lean in.

Finally. Passing the finish line, slowing down, yearning for more oxygen with every breath.

I love running the race.

Not because I win.

But because I love the race.

I love that I accomplished my goal (make it to the finish), that I gave my best effort, that I’m poured out and tired, ready to collapse in a heap.

The preparation and training, culminate into that moment. That race.

It’s a beautiful thing, to be poured out.

“Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for

men” Col 3:23

Our life is preparation and training. God is working in and through us every day, to equip us to run the race. He has created us with a unique design. His grace is at work in our life, molding us, shaping us into the people He wants us to become.

“He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for Himself a people for His own possession, eager to do good works.” Titus 2:14

In the midst of life, we may begin to notice a starting line. Maybe it’s an idea. A passion of yours from long ago. Something stirring inside of you that bubbles up with excitement. A way to bring beauty, goodness, and justice to those around you.

It’s your distinctiveness, given to you by God, that makes you, you.

But, what keeps us from getting there? What keeps us standing yards away from starting line, observing, without actually approaching the start, getting set and participating in the race?

When I started writing on the blog, I had that stirring, that desire to share testimony to what God has done my life, through my daughter’s journey with SCIDS. There were obstacles to keep me from starting: fears of sharing my heart with the internet, a time commitment that I wasn’t sure I wanted to make, the trappings of a recovering perfectionist who just wasn’t sure how to do it all right.

But, eventually I began. I made it to the start. I recognized what I needed to sort through, in order to get in the race, using creativity and embark into the unknown. It’s not perfect, or great, but trusting His leading and guiding, see to glorify Him through it all.

You were created for a purpose. To be at peace with the One who created you, and bring that peace to the lives of those around you. Through the beauty of who you are, you reflect your Creator’s image. It’s your’s Him calling you to participate in the race - in whatever that race will look like for you.

So, what are you afraid to start?

*This post was written with the Five Minute Friday community; #writingprompt START



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