They ran back to the cabin, chasing and screaming.
Not the happy, fun kind... the "give it back or I'll take it" angry kind.
I groan. (Apparently loud enough for my neighbours to hear).
"Don't worry" they say, "it gets better."
I sigh. You hear it often from others, how these younger years go by so fast, and I know they do. But sometimes you can't help longing (with guilt) for a calmer, easier day.
"You'll get about 6,570 days with your children before they turn 18. 5,840 days before they get their driver's license. 4,380 before they hit their teenage years. 2,190 days before they start school. 365 days before our children learn to walk."
This really got me.
Not only do the days go by quickly, but so do the opportunities to teach and disciple my kids.
So, here's the time to discover how we can take the most of every opportunity and write it on their hearts.
Write It On Their Hearts | Book Review
Purpose of the Book
Table of Contents
My Take
My Recommendation
Quick Stats
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Scripture About Discipleship
Purpose of the Book
Write It On Their Hearts: Practical Help for Discipling Your Kids by Chris and Melissa Swain is written to help parents realize the significance of their calling and become more intentional with discipleship.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION Who Is Discipling Your Children?
CHAPTER 1 A Crockpot, Not a Microwave: Disciple Them Like Jesus
CHAPTER 2 Tea Parties, Jiu Jitsu, and the Most Important Thing: Show Them You Love Them
CHAPTER 3 It’s Time for the Talk: Teach Them to Pray
CHAPTER 4 Somedays Never Come: Connect with Them
CHAPTER 5 The Book Is Better: Teach Them to Read the Bible
CHAPTER 6 Over and Over Again: Hold Them Accountable
CHAPTER 7 The Hardest Work You'll Ever Do: Teach Them to Rest
Your Family Discipleship Plan
Here you have a very practical parenting book that outlines 6 key aspects of discipling your children and they’ve created an acronym to help us with both our understanding and the application.
Love. We love our children with TIME [Transparency, Intimacy, Meaningfulness and Empathy]
Connection. We build this with CARE [Compassion, Authenticity, Relevance and Engagement]
Accountability. We SPUR them on [Sharpen, Pray, Urge, Restore].
Scripture. We get to know the Word and HEAR [Highlight, Explain, Apply, Respond]
Prayer. Both together and individually we ASK [Ask, Seek, Knock].
Rest. In all the craziness we STOP [Still, Talk, Offer, Peace]
When you stop to consider these categories, I think it’s easy to just assume what love is, or what building connection is, and we may conclude we’re already doing it without considering more deeply what it means. This is why the acronyms are helpful because they break down a big concept into smaller bites we can chew on in our parenting.
For each family, and each child, parenting can look different. But as we purposefully engage with the question, “How am I loving my child?” or, “How am I holding them accountable?” These chapters provide good food for thought and discussion with principles we can apply.
We’re reminded that our purpose as parents is clearly defined in scripture: we are to make disciples. “The Great Commission begins in the home. This is the purpose each and every Christ-following parent must embrace.”
The plan is simple. What’s difficult is the investment.
Isn't that the truth!
My Recommendation
For the parents who appreciate routine and action plans, they’ve put together a monthly or yearly printable plan to guide you.
If that’s too overwhelming, there’s also a discussion guide that would be nice to go through with a group of friends who are also seeking to strengthen their parenting with practical helps. (Find these FREE here)
What can you do today to become more intentional in your parenting?
(…you could head over and order this book).
Quick Stats
# of pages: 160 pages
Level of Difficulty: Easy
My Rating: 5 stars
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Scriptures About Discipleship
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matt 28:18-20)
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. (Luk 9:23-24)
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Jn 8:31-32)
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (Prov 27:17)
* A big thanks to The Good Book Company for the complimentary copy of this book, and for the opportunity to post an honest review!