One of the great joys of serving in our church is being a Listener at Awana. There’s something profoundly moving about hearing God’s Word recited by small voices. The effort these kids put in, even when it’s hard, fills me with awe and wonder as Scripture breaks through the noise of life.
This season is especially busy, as Christmas often is. My mind is full of thoughts about gifts for loved ones, snapping a family photo for cards, and deciding how many pies to bake for gatherings. With snow and chill officially here, we’re bundling everyone up and making sure we all get where we need to go.
Amid the flurry of activity, the kids’ memorization of Psalm 25:4 this week was a gentle invitation to slow down and surrender my time, thoughts, and awareness to the Lord:"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths."
Show Me
When chaos surrounds us, this verse is a reminder to pause in prayer and recognize our need for God’s presence and direction. Like a child eagerly anticipating a gift, we can approach God with longing and expectation: Show me what You’ve got for me, Lord. Even in weariness, we are drawn to His grace. Lord, show us Your presence and sustain us in every season.
Your Ways
“Not my will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42). These words are simple to say but difficult to live out. If we’re honest, we often prefer our own way—easier relationships, smoother paths, more convenient outcomes. Yet, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), helps us surrender. It’s in seeking Him above all else that humility takes root. Lord, help us to desire Your ways over our own.
O Lord
We address the Almighty God—our Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, and Emmanuel, God with us. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, gracious, merciful, faithful, and just. Remembering who He is leads us to respond in humble dependence. Lord, may we never lose sight of Your greatness.
Teach Me
Being teachable requires letting go of our limited perspective and trusting in God’s wisdom. I think of moments when one child receives a single, more expensive gift while another gets several smaller ones. We explain that the cost is the same, but it can be hard for them to understand unless they trust us. Similarly, trusting God means surrendering our expectations and allowing Him to shape us. Lord, may we have hearts eager to learn from You.
As we enter this busy season, may Psalm 25:4 guide us to slow down and surrender our plans to the Lord. In the midst of all we do—planning, giving, gathering, and celebrating—let us remain attentive to His presence, His ways, and His teaching. When we pause to seek Him, we are reminded of His grace and faithfulness, drawing us into deeper trust and dependence on Him.
What might God be inviting you to surrender this season, and how can you make space to seek His presence and guidance in the busyness of life?