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My Mosaic (May 5)

Happy Friday!

Stressful times these days with flooding in our communities after inches of rain, above average snowfall that's melting and more rain on the way. We're so grateful for all the help sandbagging at the lake this week!

Brent will be leading the youth retreat this weekend, so we'd appreciate the prayers for that time, for young hearts to be drawn deeper toward the gospel and for opening of spiritual eyes to see.

Grace and peace to you today!


Free ebook!

If any of you remember our friends and teammates from the field, Jason has just published a devotional study of 2 Timothy titled Set Ablaze: Fanning the Flame of Your Soul and Service. There's 36 short chapters, with a point for reflection and application at the end of each, as he encourages our faith, and subsequently our ministry, to be set ablaze for the kingdom of God, in whatever-and wherever- he has called us to.

**It will be available for FREE this weekend on Amazon so grab your copy!!


Lately on the Blog


This Week in Articles

"The great danger is not that you grow slowly. The great danger is that you stop fighting to grow."

From the Well Watered Woman blog where they're hosting a series on 'Preaching the Gospel to Yourself.' This article teaches us how to apply the gospel to our struggle against sin.

This one's for the boy moms: "True biblical manhood is the act of submitting oneself to God while loving those around us like Christ. No beards required. To get your boy on the right path, let’s look at a few men in the Bible who model what it means to be a man."

"What we have all seen recently are wrenching images of people in exile, and of little ones being gathered, hand-held, comforted, and carried as they go. These images bleed tender devoted love, watchful care, wearisome toil, and profound grief."

Here's one reminding us ladies on practical ways to honour the mother of our husband!



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