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My Mosaic (May 31)

My Mosaic - May 31

Welcome back to this week's edition of "My Mosaic"! We've been enjoying a beautiful week here in Manitoba. Which has worked out great since the kiddos started swimming lessons at the outdoor pool. The garden is getting watered, seedlings are poking out; summer is coming and it is exciting! (I don't think I've thawed out yet from the polar vortex this winter). What were you up to this week?

Do you need inspiration to pray? Here's an excellent collection of quotes to encourage you!

Working in an emergency department keeps me keenly aware of the great need for the church to walk alongside those who are struggling. The system can fail, mental illness gets kept secret and it can be difficult to help, but that doesn't mean we can't.

As the month of Ramadan comes to a close, I wanted to highlight this clip from Prayercast. I had subscribed for the daily updates through the month, and these prayers were so honest, and heartfelt, I was challenged to continue praying!

"True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient. And, yes, it means distinguishing between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best." It "is learning to think God’s thoughts after Him, practically and spiritually."

We all have expectations. This is probably the most evident in our marriages. He will fail. I will fail. Yet the Gospel gives us great hope, that we can continue to show grace and love because of all He has done for us.

Since moving back from Africa, it's been so beautiful to see many in our congregation following God's calling on their lives, serving Him in so many different ways. Every local church may not be able to spearhead every ministry opportunity, but that's the beauty of the body, embracing our individual gifts and passions and bringing the Gospel to the world around us.

Do you know without a doubt, as you wake up this morning, that you have a purpose, in this moment, for this day? God has created you with specific talents and gifts to serve others and bring Him glory, how will you do that today?

Canada is home to the 6th largest number of unreached people groups in the world! Here's a 25 minute interview with Chris Carr, the director of Global Gates Canada about the ministry in Canada to the unreached. You can subscribe on their website for prayer updates and find more about how you can get involved.

Sola: How the Five Solas Are Still Reforming the Church



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