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My Mosaic (Mar 12)

Writer's picture: Amber ThiessenAmber Thiessen

Happy Friday!

Well, it's been a week. I'm cramming to finish an assignment for my seminary class on psychopharmacology (try saying that three times fast), working through a stressful situation at work (more than the usual for the ER), and the Lord blessed me through a kind gift of doughnuts (which was just the therapy I needed!!).

On these stressful days I noticed I was snippy with my hubby, impatient with my children's whining, and exhausted in my workouts; feeling worn-out and defeated. Yet, in the goodness of the Lord's grace, I look at how he was renewing me through his Word in the mornings:

"Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you" (Psalm 63:3)

"Therefore having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart" (2Cor 4:1)

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Josh 1:9)

And so, I am encouraged, that through my circumstances, God's Word holds true, always. He is worthy of praise. He has given me a job to do. And He is with me wherever I go.

As you step into your day, I pray you will be encouraged with these truths, as you shine His light into the world.


This week on the blog


This week around the web

"We fast for two primary reasons: to recall our mortality and to flee from sin and repent. While these two reasons can be distinguished, they can’t be separated."

"When we fill our vision with Christ, we will see in increasing measure that we don’t have to earn what has already been given"

"The culture around us tells us that, as women, we can do it all. You don’t have to look far to find many examples of women who seem to have it all and do it all. But is this truly what our Heavenly Father has asked of us?"

"The truth is, we struggle in countless areas that need the discipline of Jesus."

"On what do God’s people rest our assurance today? Still we rely on the blood of a Lamb. A single Lamb."



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