Happy Friday!
It's the weekend!! We've got a hockey game, church potluck and I'll spend time at work. What are your plans??
(This week on the blog: The Past That Informs Our Present)
This article was meant for me this week! There's times in our life when we are just waiting for the next season...and things don't seem to happen like we wanted them to. Growing in patience, in hope and in worship help reorient us to God's sovereignty over our lives, helping us learn to trust in and depend on Him more.
Just as Jesus taught his disciples through conversations, we too, need to take time to help our children grow and mature through talking with them. Try listening to your child for 15min. It can be a long time, it can be about anything, but make the effort to spend time listening.
I typically prefer reading a book, but there are a lot of times when listening to an audiobook is helpful. This article shows you how to use the free Amazon Alexa app to read your kindle books to you!! I might even give it a try :)
Those in leadership, over our countries, our churches, our work, need prayer. With greater influence comes greater responsibility. Here are 31 attributes you can pray throughout the month.
A new year has arrived and as it does, did you include marriage vows with your New Years resolutions?? Maybe it's ambiguous, or you don't know what to achieve in your marriage, so here are 7 ideas of vows you can make, to help be intentional growing your marriage this year.
Boundaries around the use of devices at bedtime becomes a challenge, more so as the kids get older. Here's one story about how one family implemented the 'no phone at bedtime' rule, and why it was so important.
Hope you enjoy this week's articles! If you're following the blog, don't forget to subscribe below, to get updates right to your inbox!