Welcome to the weekend!
It's been quite the week, and I feel like we are still trying to get life organized after the holidays! In the middle of transition, life seems to shift and evolve so precariously. I've been reminded this week that "He brought his people out with rejoicing, His chosen ones with shouts of joy" (Ps105:43) and that as we step forward in obedience each day, He goes before us and we can rejoice and shout for joy that He has not left us in any wilderness on our own, but truly lights our way.
How have you stepped out this week in obedience?
(This week on the blog: What Does Being A Priest Mean to You?)
This last Christmas Eve, my husband's grandmother passed away. It was unexpected, and caught in the midst of a busy season. I remember thinking about the wording, funeral vs celebration. This article reminds us of the importance of honouring our loved ones, while honouring the Gospel.
When you think of God's sovereignty, how do you react? With more prayer, or less? This article from Desiring God, helps remind us of God's power to rule, and our role with Him in it.
While we lived in Tanzania, we visited the island of Zanzibar, where there was a large slave market up until 1873. Here's an article by Amy Medina, on her reflections for how we think about slavery today.
The storms of singleness are real. This article reminds us of how, as women we find ourselves in misunderstandings, and that in our storms of life, we are drawn together - whether single or married - by our unity in Christ.
There is a growing trend of spiritual malnourishment among believers who don't spend time in the Word daily. Which, I actually find interesting, given the increased accessibility to the Bible on apps, ebook and audiobook. The trend seems to reflect the attitude of our hearts and values. So, to help the fight to know God this year, The Gospel Coalition started a 'Read the Bible Campaign' and IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN!! :) There is a reading plan, a devotional podcast, a Facebook group to help you interact with others and a list of articles that will parallel the week's bible reading. Fight to know God this year and join!!