Merry Christmas!
Celebrating Immanuel has come, I pray your holidays are peaceful times remembering our Savior.
This week on the blog:
Here's a few articles for your enjoyment this weekend:
The song that 's been on repeat in our home this season!!
Tim Challies creates a challenge every year, to help Christians read widely and broadly. He lists categories of books to read across 4 different reading plans: The Light Reader, the Avid reader, the Committed reader and the Obsessed reader. When I stumbled across this challenge a few years ago, my reading habits changed and I made more intentional effort to dive into categories I wouldn't normally read. Check out the link and print out the graphics to follow along the challenge!
Well, if you're embarking on a reading challenge, invite your kids along with you! Redeemed Reader is putting out their challenge for kids, along with recommendations to help guide you along. It's a free download until the New Year, so don't miss out!
Here are some quotes from Paul Tripp's book, 'Come Let Us Adore Him.'
Risenmotherhood has put together a workbook to help you plan your goals and purposes for 2021. Sign up for their newsletter to get your free download.
