You are unique and gifted. You have strengths and passions. You were created for this moment, this season of life. You have purpose.
What does this mean to you today?
The privilege and responsibility to care for our kids weighs on us.
When the kiddos are little, we are needed for providing nourishment and care, they get older and we are needed to help manage their schedules and relationships. As they graduate, we are needed to help discern the future ahead. They get married and have their own children, and we learn a new kind of help in supporting them.
Throughout the journey, we worry, we compare ourselves, we strive for the very best. We serve and sacrifice. We live full, beautiful, messy lives.
Let’s rest today in the knowledge that God has given us this role, and by His grace will succeed in it. We won’t do it all perfectly. There will be others who do things different, maybe sometimes better, than we do. But we cannot simmer in guilt and shame. We accept with earnestness, the grace given to us in Christ, that in this most amazing role, He will provide strength in our weakness, joy in our mourning and equip us through His Word for all that lies before us and ahead of us.
Let's shift our focus from ourselves to God’s glory. From wiping bottoms, to cleaning up spilled milk; responding to a poor choice they have made, to equipping them for their first job. All things in His presence, under His authority and for His glory.
Be blessed today as you are celebrated for all that you do, and press on, trusting in His grace to get you through and keeping in it, all for His glory!
...AND what better idea than to throw out some reading recommendations??
Enjoy your weekend, as you celebrate!