Happy Friday!
It's an exciting weekend here in southern Manitoba. After a three month absence of corporate worship, due to public health restrictions, our church is starting a few small group worship times...in person! (in accordance with current public health guidelines).
While it will be a handful of us at a time, our hearts are all hungry to gather and unite in praise of our mighty and magnificent God. The invitation, "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" (Psalm 95:6).
Worshiping together. With grateful hearts, mending hearts and broken hearts. It will be so good to gather.
This week on the blog
Here are some articles I found this week from around the web, hope you find them encouraging!
An encouragement from Anne to think about our songs. "Singing is not just for Sunday mornings, it is a means of discipleship—a way we follow the Lord in our day-to-day lives by choosing to lift our voices in all circumstances to worship. "
This is a devastating, angering case. In this article, Jen Oshman leads us to six truths to remember as we observe the destructive effects of sin, and apply truths of repentance to our own lives as well.
'It’s so difficult to think about the ways our issues might impact our children. And when we’ve experienced really hard events in our pasts, we can be particularly concerned. Hard past events leave deep wounds, and deep wounds take a long time to heal." Here's an encouragement from RisenMotherhood for approaching our painful pasts.
"Are you longing for more unity in your marriage? Here’s why grace is necessary for unity with your husband."
"It's like we have a jewelry box full of God’s abundant provision. But instead of rejoicing in that treasure, we become fixated on the missing earring no matter its value." Read this article from Well-Watered Women about seeking first God's treasure.
Okay, if you have kids who love LEGO, this might be for you. Ryland - 10 years old - started using LEGO to tell bible stories, and his dad recorded them on his iPhone. They've now collaborated with another family to build a membership site to help families learn the Bible. It looks really fun, and a great tool to learn and grow. Check it out!
