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If You're Thinking About Reading the Bible This Year...Read This First

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

We're almost on the eve of a new year, looking at 2022 with curious eyes. Have you made any goals or resolutions?

I wonder if reading the Bible is on any lists? Many a Christ follower have aspirations of getting more into the Word. There are many good plans to follow to suit your season and style, whether it's a chronological plan, cover-to-cover, 5 days or 7.

When the goal becomes just about reading, I know for me, it can sometimes become a rote practice, and even frustrating, if we don't understand what's going on in the passage we're reading, then struggle to find purpose or meaning in taking the time for it.

Here's a resource that can help!

Read This First: A Simple Guide to Getting the Most From the Bible by Gary Millar helps us take a step back from merely reading the Bible, to grow in our understanding. In this short book, he guides us through the importance of reading scripture, how to pick out the vibe of the passage, the meaning and the context, with practical steps in chapter 7 to begin your reading time. There are few questions at the end of each chapter to help give you opportunity to reflect on the information.

As we seek to know more about who our Lord is, in His special Word to us, this book is a great resource to help you in it!

Quick Stats

# of pages: 112

Level of Difficulty: Easy

My Rating: 5 stars

*A big thanks to the Good Book Company for the complimentary copy of this book and the opportunity to post an honest review!

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