Amber Thiessen

Sep 1, 20203 min

The Most Nerve-Wracking Question for a Christian Woman

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Would you consider mentoring me?

Isn't that one of the most nerve-wracking questions a Christian woman could ask another woman?!

OR... is it the scariest question to be asked??

Growing up in the church, I was significantly blessed to experience the guidance of godly men and women, as they taught me Sunday school, Pioneer girls, took us on mission trips, and equipped us for ministry through youth ministry teams and summer camp.

In my university days, I moved, found a new church in the city and came across Christian books that imparted truth to my life. Then, marriage, and a move to Africa, found me sitting under amazing leaders and teammates, who encouraged my theology and guided the practical challenges of crossing cultures.

As I thought about all the people who played a deeply treasured role in my growth and development, I discovered a list that held many names.

These relationships represent connectedness, a fertilizer for the season, to nourish, strengthen, and lead me, through seasons of need, drought and uncertainty.

As I have been poured into by others, it is my own joy and privilege to share in the journey of others; being blessed with opportunities to walk alongside a younger woman, to hear her story, to encourage her heart and invite conversation that leads us to Jesus. You might think that the mentor is the one who does all the blessing, but I have found that these women have made a big impact on my life, in how they have persevered, demonstrated resolve, and sought Jesus through tough times; they model the Gospel to me.

But, moving back to the question, I think many women in the church fear this question, this endeavour of mentoring. Some of it, I think, is related to fears: what will I say? what will I do? Sometimes the nervousness is related to insecurities, as if there is a 'good enough' model to reach before we are qualified to mentor. Perhaps there's also a fear that entering into a mentoring relationship is a lifelong commitment.

This is where "Growing Together" comes in. Written by Melissa Kruger, the purpose of this book is to provide "a hands-on tool that a mentor and mentee can use together as a springboard for mentoring discussions."

She encourages us in the first two chapters of the importance of the mentoring relationship, and to clarify the expectations of what times together look like.

The next 9 chapters highlight different topics of Christian living, such as church, prayer, family and, temptations, to facilitate the conversation between the mentor and mentee. At the end of each chapter, you'll find a handful of questions that you can discuss, with the added challenge of considering an area of change.

In a nutshell, this resource will guide you to mentor another young woman, providing conversation starters and accountability. Yes, you will need to play your part, but no longer is there a reason to feel lost or an excuse that you don't know how!

I give it 5 stars. This is a great resource for all Christian women! I say all to remind us that we all are exhorted to mentor. It's not a responsibility for the 'gifted' or the 'mature' it is for the regular women who follow Jesus, like you and me.

I lovingly challenge you to buy two copies of this book and ask the Lord who you can share this journey with!

**Thank you to Crossway for the complimentary copy of this book and the opportunity to post an honest review!
