Amber Thiessen

Apr 11, 20222 min

On Being A Theologian

{This article is featured at Momma Theologians. Click on over to read the full article, or click here to listen}

What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word “theologian”?

You may imagine an older man, wearing thick glasses, sitting in an office decorated with multiple degrees; someone academic, philosophical and smart. Maybe you think it’s a title for seminary professors, your pastor or authors of Christian books.

Sometimes this title is understood to be similar to that of an astronaut: Years upon years of training, launching into the vastness of outer space, circulating high above the earth. While there’s a holy wonder in traveling the cosmos, it’s hard to understand the relevance to our own, everyday lives, planted firmly on earthly soil.

Is this how you envision “theologians?”

Taken from the Greek words theos, meaning “God” and logos, meaning “word”, theology is a word about God - the study of God - encompassing what we believe about who He is and how He works in the world. Though we may feel at times He is far away, or difficult to comprehend, He makes Himself known to us generally through the natural world, then, in a special way through the Scriptures, revealing the story of how He has worked in the world through the Gospel in the work and person of Christ.

Paul writes of his desire for the church, “to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:2-3). While there is much to observe about how God works in the world, the Gospel enlightens us to His plan of salvation, showing us the fulfillment of His redeeming plan for His people from the beginning of time until His return.

So, who is a theologian?

Momma, it’s you.

We all think about God on some level. Whether it’s as we rub our growing belly with wonder at the sovereignty of God, or marveling at the unique personalities of our children, created in His image, or the depravity we see as siblings fight and argue, reminding us of the fall. These thoughts don’t require a PhD, they’re moments of our every day where we see the truths of the Gospel in real time.

Just as the sun’s gravity pulls the other planets in orbit, our knowledge of God has an effect on the people around us and what we do throughout our day. Our thoughts about the situations we encounter or our circumstances reflect what we believe. It then impacts how - and what - we teach our children about who they are, what sin is, God’s plan for salvation and our hope in Him.

It’s a privilege and blessing to impart the gospel into the lives of our families and friends....[to read the rest of the article, head on over to the Momma Theologians blog].
