Amber Thiessen

Mar 24, 20232 min

My Mosaic (Mar 24)

Hey friends,

It's the last day of school for the kiddos before spring break, I'm finishing up the last papers for my classes this semester, and I'm still looking out the window at a ground covered with snow - hoping for and eagerly anticipating the melting to start soon!

Have a great weekend!

This Week in Articles

What We're Asking For When We Pray For Wisdom

"Everything in our world pushes us away from cultivating habits that lead to wisdom and reflection. No wonder, then, we must pray for God to be generous with wisdom from above. We sense our need because we recognize not all the choices we make will be clear-cut or black-and-white or easily discernible decisions of faithfulness." Isn't that the truth?! Grateful for this reminder of how much I need to ask for wisdom.

The Grief of a Child's Diagnosis

"There is the initial shock of the diagnosis, the ongoing waves of loss, and, eventually, the reality of living with a quiet undercurrent of grief. Thankfully, as believers, it is not grief without hope. But how exactly do we live with that tension?" Grieving is a pit I remember sitting in 6 years ago, yet by God's grace I wasn't sinking in despair but held there in hope.

The Gift of Friends Who Know Their Bible

"That’s how relationships work. We take on the mannerisms of those we spend time with. We can also take on aspects of their spiritual lives. It’s important, therefore, to choose our friends wisely, especially if we’re serious about growing in holiness." I have been blessed in my friendships. If you're missing friends like this, keep praying.

Praying the Scriptures: A Practice for When Words are Hard to Find

"Have you ever had one of those moments where you want to pray for someone, but you just don’t know what to pray for? What about a season in life where you’ve longed to express yourself to God with words, but they’ve simply felt too hard to find?" Lately I feel like I'm there constantly. There's so much peace when turning to Scripture to express my heart and the situations - which has really deepened my love for the Word.

Struggling with Struggle

"Sanctification often hurts. We don’t have to hate ourselves for saying ouch. We do, after all, have a Savior who can identify with our weaknesses." Praising the Lord for this!
