Amber Thiessen

Jan 1, 20212 min

My Mosaic (Jan 1)

Happy New Year!

It is finally 2021!

Many people choose words for the year. Have you?

I'd love to hear what your word is! To me, the word often reveals a testimony, a longing or passion, that speaks to the heart of the person. It's a beautiful reflection of God's work.

While I have no word, I have a theme for growth this year: Faithfulness in all things. Even as I pick up my bible reading plan for the year, the beginning chapters of Matthew, (and having just finished all our Christmas celebrations) remind me of the example of Joseph's life, his faithfulness to God and simple obedience.

Through angels and dreams, God spoke to him, and he followed, taking a divinely pregnant woman as his wife, carrying her along to Bethlehem, caring for the baby in a stable, and eventually fleeing to Egypt, God showed him the way, and he followed resolutely.

To be faithful in all things, even small things, is on my heart. There are parts of life that can feel insignificant or unimportant, there are things that are hard, but scripture reminds me that "one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much" (Luke 16:10).

So, whatever comes this year, may God give us the grace to be faithful in our marriages, in our parenting, our relationships and our communities of faith. With the opportunities, the influence and the people he has given us, may it be for the glory of God and for the good of others.

What's your word for the year?

This week on the blog:

Here is the weekly roundup:

Let's Not Put Too Much Hope in 2021

"Let us not forget that the thrill of these new things are only meant to be symbols, shadows, road signs that point us to our true source of hope. They should not be where our hope lies."

Stress, Sin and the Aftermath of Christmas

"Nothing messes with my soul as much as money does."

Bible Reading Plans for 2021

Do you want to read through the Bible, but you're not sure where to start, or how? Here's a list from Ligionier ministries with a variety of options, chronologically, chapter by chapter, or by themes.

4 Questions for Your Bible Reading

Now that you've glanced through bible reading plans, here are 4 questions to ask yourself as you read, to stir your heart toward deeper reflection and growth.

Chasing Perfect

"I’ve never really been the kind of person that makes New Year’s resolutions. I’m convinced it’s because I’m a perfectionist, and I know that I won’t keep my resolutions perfectly." Can you relate?

Setting Goals When You Are Weary and Unmotivated

The new year is upon us. Have you struggled to set some goals for this year? You are not alone.
