Amber Thiessen

Aug 19, 20222 min

My Mosaic (Aug 19)

Hey, it's Friday!

Have you experienced doubt or confusion about life this week?

Sometimes we respond with curiosity and sometimes with frustration, importantly with prayer. Yet if we allow the doubts and questions to linger, they can keep us from faith and rather than rooted in belief, we're tossed about like driftwood in the sea - at the mercy of the waves.

"Many children of God are kept in doubt and confusion because they fail to consider the riches of Christ’s grace revealed in the gospel." (Anthony Burgess, Faith Seeking Assurance)

Our questions help us work through the happenings of life, it's a natural outflow as we process life, but like pulling weeds in the garden, we need to remove thoughts of unbelief and instead plant truths of scripture and remember the grace of the gospel to guide us through.

How can remembering the gospel free you from doubt and confusion today?

This Week on the Blog

This Week in Articles

When Community Cuts Deep

"It doesn’t matter if the setting is in a workplace, the church or your child’s school; broken people break people" and "not only is healing possible, healing is necessary because community is necessary."

Martyr or Madman? The Unnerving Faith of Ignatius

We do reading at home about early church history and we've been through Ignatius' biography. I think for the most part, we don't understand what martyrdom would be like, much less relate to Ignatius' enthusiasm. "If we are madmen, let it be for Christ."

Senior Saints, We Need You

"It should come as no surprise, then, that many older adults are declining in discipleship. In the very season of life when they should focus more than ever on preparing to be with God, they’re stagnating spiritually, sometimes even departing from the faith."

Why Keep Reading the Bible?

A great collection of reasons to keep reading through God's Word

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

"How we take up our cross depends largely on how we view Jesus' cross."

Serving the Lord with Gladness

A helpful reminder as we enter into the busy fall season about the condition of our heart as we serve.
